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Nature’s Green Guardians Foundation (NGGFn) is a collective of professionals who are concerned about the destruction of natural environment and greenery, thereby making efforts directed towards pooling of energy, ideas, and to promote sustainable development with community participation. During its inception, it had been established as a not-for-profit company in order to ensure highest accountability and responsibility. The foundation started functioning from 2011. All its activities are aimed at re-greening the environment with the active participation of the common man particularly the student community.

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A conglomerate of professionals of diverse background – engineers, environmentalists, economists, doctors, teachers, artists, students, men and women of letters and more - who are concerned about the degeneration of natural environment and greenery, Nature’s Green Guardians Foundation (NGGFn) is directing its interest and efforts towards creation of an army of green guardians who will ensure community participation into promotion of sustainable development.

Established in 2011 as a not-for-profit company, the team is a living example of responsibility and accountability, evinced by its multifaceted verticals of activity and is attracting the attention of the youth of the country, especially the students in the colleges and universities.

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